it’s a natural

you know it’s pure

get to know us

You’ll probably find it more challenging to get your hands on high quality F&F products. That’s why we give availability the same priority as quality, so that we can offer you good stock levels of superb F&F products.



available quality

The quality of an F&F product is key. But without availability, quality is meaningless. It’s hard to value something that isn’t at hand. Unfortunately, availability cannot be taken for granted anymore. Supply chains struggle, especially since the pandemic. As you might have experienced, F&F products also run out of stock more often than they used to. Here’s our solution to that.

  1. First, we make sure our selection of products offers the purity and quality you’re looking for.
  2. Second, we let you benefit from our reliable logistical network, established by Riksen and Farmusol. Two household names in the global field of chemical logistics.

through this partnership we can offer you

  1. excellent flavor and fragrance products;
  2. with solid stock levels;
  3. so that we can supply on your demand.

Tell me how this works


our products


because of it’s powerful green and grassy characteristics, cis-3-hexenol is essential in many fruit and vegetable flavors


a powerful caraway smelling top note with a mentholated, spearmint, sweet and slightly spicy taste


this green herbal and cool-minty spicy flavor oil is often used as spearmint, but also in spicy and floral fragrances


a monoterpenic phenol produced by aromatique plants like thyme and oregano and has a characteristic pungent and warm odor of oregano


a clear colorless liquid which is sourced from the peel of citrus fruits, including oranges, mandarins, limes and grapefruits.

Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol

The floral fragrance that gives you those spring vibes. A true favourite in the fragrance industry.

The applications of our products

Find out how and where to apply these pure products.

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